Is Kamala Harris really TeamNoKids?
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Does Kamala Harris support the childfree narrative? She’s married and her husband Doug has two adult children from a previous marriage. She was 50 years old when they were married and this is her first marriage. According to an essay she wrote for Elle magazine, she gets along great with his kids and they call her Momala instead of stepmom. So here’s where I’m torn, I want to know if she’s a champion for us child free constituents but at the same time it’s not anyone’s business (mine included) why she doesn’t have children of her own? It does make me wonder, is she childfree by choice and choses not to talk about it for fear of upsetting the mommy mafia; is she childless and doesn’t want to talk about the painful experiences she’s had trying to conceive or did time run out for her to have children because she was “too career driven?”
In an attempt to get answers, I read her book, “The Truths We Hold, An American Journey.” to see if there is more insight as to why she doesn’t have children of her own. And here’s what I concluded…. I still don’t know. The book is filled with pages upon pages of policy. There is one brief sentence or two where she talks about previous relationships and even that is vague. There is no mention of the desire either way to have children. There are many references to helping mothers. Whether it be mothers who are caught in the criminal justice system and could potentially lose their children if they don’t make bail or mothers in ICE detention centers who have been separated from their children. There are even references to assisting parents of truant students to make sure they have the resources to get their kids to school.
According to an article on she’s also very close with her niece and their children. Off topic, why is there no term to define nieces and nephews together…. But I digress.
I haven’t found any interviews where she’s been asked why she doesn’t have children. Maybe that will come up during the course of the rest of the campaign, Or maybe not, given her advanced age, medical term, the topic may never come up, especially because she gushes about her role as Momala to her husband’s children. That may be enough to satisfy the Mommy Mafia. But given the pronatelist society we live in I wonder which interviewer will ask her the most inappropriate question on the planet. Senator Harris, why don’t you have children of your own? Or will one be so bold as to ask if she plans to have children, but that’s not likely since she is 55.
If she is childfree by choice, should she be audacious and say it? To show women around the world that you can have a fulfilling life, successful career and potentially ascend to second highest office in America without having children.
So this is me putting out the call out to Senator Harris, come on down to Mom Of None, the Not for Parents Podcast and let my listeners know if you are really #teamnokids or just #mommymafiaadjacent.
What do you think? Let me know in the comments below.
Kamala Harris Doesn’t Have Children, But She’s Close With Her Stepchildren and Niece