Recap: Labor of Love Episode 6

Hey DINKS and SINKs - Welcome back to my recaps of Labor of Love…. We’re getting close to the end of this journey….

We have 5 guys left… how many will go home?  

Everyone is woken up at 2:30 am by crying babies - the exact reason I don’t have kids.  I like my sleep.  Kristy and the guys are given Reality works Real Care babies equipped with  bluetooth and an ID bracelet so their moves can be tracked.  The guys will be scored on how they tend to the babies needs and the chore list.  

The house is a total disaster.  There is crap everywhere, another reason why I don’t have kids, but I do have a cleaning service.  Kyle thinks sudden fatherhood is terrifying.  

Stewart is ready to go (no shocker there).  The day begins and Stewart and Kyle are not helping with the chores because they are taking care of their babies.  Gary, Trent and Marcus do all the housework.  Kristy is watching from her home with her baby.  

She thinks Stewart is a hands on dad, Marcus and Trent are cleaning and Gary leaves the baby on the bed to take a shower - not a good look.  While raking the leaves, Trent does a cartwheel with the baby in the carrier. Not exactly the safest dad.  

Kristy visits with her baby and they review the results of the bluetooth tracking.  Kyle is in first place with the most points.  Jealous Marcus rears his ugly head.  Haven’t you noticed Marcus is so jealous of everyone, I mean cmon, run your own race, don’t worry about everybody else. Stewart is in second place and he felt connected to the doll as soon as he looked into its eyes.  really, it’s a doll.  Marcus shook the baby too much, he thinks it’s because he was doing all the housework.  Gary’s score is terrible, mainly because he left the baby alone. Kristy is disappointed Gary didn’t take this drill seriously and wasn’t receptive to Kristin’s constructive criticism.  Trent was in last place, because he never fed his baby. 

Good news all the guys have dates this week and those who are still around after the elimination Kristy will visit their city to see how they live.  

These parent interviews are on my last nerve…. This week they talk about their son’s obsessions with stuffed animals.  Makes me think there was a question on the show application asking if they have a stuffed animal from childhood they still have and cherish or bring with them everywhere.  Remember when Trent thought someone stole his stuffed cat.  Turns out Kyle and Stewart have stuffed animals too.  

Gary, Trent and Marcus are upset Kyle is getting underserved accolades and Marcus and Trent feel the need to tell Kristy.  They want her to be aware of the tall narcissist.  Kristy wonders if these guys are just mad they didn’t do well during the drill and this is a combo of gameplay and jealousy.  Trent and Marcus feel they have accomplished their goal and Kyle will be sent packing.  I always say be careful of who you point the finger at because there are four fingers pointing at you.  

Now the dates:

Trent is up first and his jacket is hideous! They are introduced to a psychologist to test their compatibility (talk about a strange date).  Trent gets to show his serious side.  He must guide blindfolded Kristy through an obstacle course of family, communication, honesty, trust and respect.  Kristy continues to point out how different they are and how she really likes it. Their date ends with a kiss.

Marcus is up next - and dresses like sexy Mr. Rogers….. exactly who wants to date a sexy Mr. Rogers… They have a date with kittens in the front yard.  You know because animals are a good judge of character.  I’m not an animal fan so I guess my character is dirt.  Kristy wishes Marcus had done better on the baby drill and she feels she could fall in love with him but that opens her up for getting hurt.  The snooping guys are watching from the window and to ensure their complete jealousy Marcus makes sure he has an awkward kiss so all can see.  

Kyle doesn’t understand what Kristy sees in Marcus.

Gary’s date is basically a candlelight date.  They sit around a bunch of candles. All googly eyes and kissing. The baby drill made him really want to be a dad. If you didn’t want to really be a dad, why did you apply for a show looking for people who want to be dads….

Stewart has an adventurous date and during the descent Kristy knocks him over, he’s not hurt but he plays up the sympathy card and Kristy just eats it up.  Their date ends with a kiss.  

Kyle and Kristy do aerial yoga followed by a cozy sit down.  Kristy brings up Trent and Marcus’ concerns and Kyle talks about the desperate moves Marcus is making.   He talks about the conversation about Marcus’ intent to mastermind Kyle’s demise and trying to sabotage the date.  Kristy is hurt by what has happened, she’s upset and crying and she wants to makes sure people are there to start a family not win a game.  Kyle comforts her and their date ends with a kiss.

It’s elimination time!

Stewart is immediately saved, no shocker there but the other four guys are up for elimination. 

Gary is up first.  He is the most intriguing but she has a stronger connection with some of the other guys so Gary’s out.  Kristy is very emotional and the experience has made Gary want to start a family more than ever.  

Kyle is next.  She is upset they didn’t get to kiss goodnight and they make up for it.  She wants Kyle to show her his city.

Trent is next.  Trent says he has a strong connection with Kristy and if he goes home he can’t read women.  Well,Trent it’s time to pick up another book because Kristy is sending you home.  

Marcus is next and she has doubts based on his attempt to throw Kyle under the bus as well as her conversation with Kyle about Marcus’ intentions.  But Marcus is a doctor sooooo she wants to see his city.  

It makes me wonder how much the occupation of each guy comes into play when Kristy is making her decisions.  Marcus is a doctor, Stewart is a Wealth Management CEO and Kyle is a director of Sales and Marketing. Gary was a baseball bat manufacturer and Trent a tennis instructor.  

Gary and Trent, good luck on your journey.  If that family thing doesn’t work out and you find you’re happier with your childfree life, shoot me an email and come on the podcast!  Oh and you too Keith, your exit was so abrupt last week I forgot to ask you! 

And there you go…. The latest episode of Labor of Love, airing Thursdays on Fox.  What do you think?  Should Gary and Trent have gone home?  Is Stewart a sho-in?  Do you think Marcus’ evil plan will work?

We are getting close to the end of this journey. Here's my recap of Labor Of Love Episode 6... who's your front runner?


In the COVID-19 Economy, You Can Have a Kid or a Job. You Can’t Have Both.


Recap: Labor of Love Episodes 4-5